Sketchbook notes

05/04/2011 20:22 By Unknown , In , , ,

I've brainstormed my research/inspiration in my sketchbook, to realise what I want my ethos/concept to be about. The second image is a brief description of my concept, it includes: 
What I want my designs to be about 
- the beauty of nature
- to focus on the small details we often overlook
Why I want to design t-shirts with my images
- to make people aware of the beauty we overlook via an everyday item/product

The main question in my feedback seemed to be about my concept behind my ideas, now that I am able to answer this, I want to answer another question that stuck in my mind -

Are you creating adverts to advertise your t-shirts, or are you creating t-shirts to make an advertisement?
I have come to realise that I am creating adverts for my t-shirt designs, I am not creating a product so that I have a reason to make adverts. I have realised this after writing about a concept for my work, I feel as though my work will work together a lot better now that I have a reason for it. I can concentrate on focusing all of my work on this concept, and making sure I don't create something that doesn't fit in with my concept.


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