I now have plenty of photographs of flowers to use for my final images.
Photographs from today:
25/04/2011 20:10 By Unknown , In photography
I now have plenty of photographs of flowers to use for my final images.
Photographs from today:
19:07 By Unknown , In photography
I took more photographs today using the zoom lenses. I also screen shot how I edit my photographs:
22/04/2011 16:45 By Unknown , In secondary research
20/04/2011 12:49 By Unknown , In inspiration
19/04/2011 18:08 By Unknown , In inspiration
18/04/2011 17:11 By Unknown , In photography , primary research
Today I've been out and bought a couple of bouquets of flowers to take photographs of. These may or may not be used for my final images. I've taken a couple of test shots to test the lighting, and used techniques such as placing tinfoil underneath, as suggested in Photographing Flowers by Sue Bishop (2004).
15/04/2011 17:11 By Unknown , In organisation
01:10 By Unknown , In secondary research
by Kenneth Roman, Jane Maas, Martin Nisenholtz (2003)
I have been reading through the preview of this book on Google Books.
11/04/2011 17:24 By Unknown , In location , primary research
I also found a great location that could be a possibility for taking my video/photographs
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I chose to go here as I had read about water was great for pleasing imagery, as it offered many reflections, which can add colours to the subject. It can also look calm and relaxing. I took some shots to show the area
17:04 By Unknown , In photography , primary research
Over the weekend I have been reading and making notes from the book Photographing Flowers by Sue Bishop
08/04/2011 19:50 By Unknown , In organisation
I've just changed my time table as I've come to realise that I can give myself more time and relax a bit, I need to work hard over the holidays but I need to research a lot and take a lot of photographs as my own research. This way I can find new places and new ways to take my photographs. I would like to have my photographs chosen and edited for the tshirts by the end of the holidays, as well as my tshirts made and possibly the photoshoot with my model done. If I manage to do this I will be able to spend the next 4 weeks after the holidays to edit everything and make my adverts, which could take a while and so I want to give myself plenty of time as I may have to learn how to use new software, and I will need to research into how clothing advertisements are set out. In my final week, before we hand our work in, I want to be able to make sure that I am happy with everything. I can spend my week tweaking anything that I am unhappy with, as well as updating my website, which won't take long as I have already built it.
18:44 By Unknown , In photography , secondary research
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